Hello Everyone, in class yesterday I forgot to talk about the grading scheme for the semester, which will go like this:
- 35% In-Class Midterm Exam, consisting of short answers about the readings we have done, and a couple longer essays. As the exam approaches I will have more details about this, though don't forget that the works we are reading IN class (for example the sonnets with which we will begin each day) may also be part of the exam.
- 45% Final Exam - Format to be determined, though it will likely have longer essays than the midterm.
- 20% Participation, Homework, and Attendance; this will include the Blog Comments. And like I said in class, I will not be grading you very strictly on the comments. Nor will I be grading you on the quality or nuance of your discussion in class. Rather, as long as you talk consistently in class, and write comments to the blog that show you've done the reading and thought about the question, I will check you off as having done it.